If You Don’t Want Your Children To Go Vision-less Like This 2-Year-Old Girl, Limit The Time Of Using Smartphones

Maybe some parents may think that it is useful, so their child will expose at early age with this kind of technology for their future use.

Addiction of using smartphones and other devices are being rampant to all ages. From age of toddlers, some parents letting their child to use these gadgets with no limit of time. Is it really a good idea?

But it is not always like that way, there will be worst case will come up just like what the happen of this 2 year old girl.

There was a Facebook post from a concerned dad regarding on his experience about letting his daughter to use these device with too much time and he gives some warning.

Along with this post/case, he started to let his daughter use a smartphone and iPad at the age of 2. In the long run, his daughter showed indicators of phone addiction.

His daughter was furious, every time he is trying to take out the phone from her hands.

He decided to bring his daughter to the specialist and got checked. According to the doctors, Dachar’s daughter had vision loss or “lazy eyes” – when the eyes did not work together, causing the fact that an eye worked effectively while other didn’t.

As a result, she has not only visual impairment but also squinty eyes.

From that time the child developed eyesight problems. The father gave his daughter some glasses to wear, he thinks that in this way if any complications will be prevented.

Still, by the age of 4, she needs to go through an eye surgery. Because the child had vision loss or “lazy eyes” – where both eyes do not work together, in which one eye working well while other is not.

Her eye surgery was scheduled last October 31. The child was able to use both eyes all together right after the surgery.

By that time, the doctors gave strictly advised that never allow his daughter to use smartphone, iPad, computer and television if she got similar symptoms appear.

The main cause of vision loss that requires surgery is the blue light emitted from these devices. These reactions within the eye can be poisonous to the photoreceptor cell molecule rendering them damaged.

As far as addiction of gadgets is concerned, this leads to the child a concentration and focus problem.

The best and easiest way to prevent this kind of case to your child, do not show or teach your child to use smart phone or any other gadgets. Instead make time to play with them, show them different kind of toys, read books for them and also let your child interact with other kids. All of these ways, surely your little ones will enjoy their childhood days.

Source: Ur Daily Journal
If You Don’t Want Your Children To Go Vision-less Like This 2-Year-Old Girl, Limit The Time Of Using Smartphones If You Don’t Want Your Children To Go Vision-less Like This 2-Year-Old Girl, Limit The Time Of Using Smartphones Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on November 17, 2019 Rating: 5
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