How To Get Beautiful, Glowing and Whiten Skin In Just 15 Minutes Using Boiled Potato

Melanin is being produced by the body to fight the damage that is caused by ultra violet rays to protect the body.

Every one wants to have fair and clean looking skin to have a good impression and self-confidence.

That is why most sort this thing out by consulting a dermatologist for skin enhancing and use of chemically made skin regimens that can harm the skin.

The over exposure of the skin to UV rays can result in the excess release of a pigment known as melanin.

If the skin is more exposed to sun, the darker the melanin in the skin will become and the result will certainly a patchy uneven skin color.

Fortunately we have a wonderful remedy to make the skin whiten and have a clear complexion that will also prevent skin aging.

Potato skin remedy:


· Potato
· Honey
· Yogurt
· Lemon

Potato is being used to naturally lighten the skin because the potato contains an enzyme called catecholase, which has natural bleaching properties for effective whitening.

Lemon has a lot to offer as well as to beautification, such as lightening dark spots on your skin, lightening skin complexion, evening out skin tone, treating oily complexion.

It is amazing what this small fruit can give and do to the body.

Yogurt has been used on skin for beauty benefits since ancient times, in India they are using yogurt for skin is still good as a great way to clear acne and pimples.

It is said that Cleopatra from ancient Egypt was famous for her daily sour milk baths that kept her skin glowing and youthful.


To begin wash the potato and boil it
After boiling the potato peel off the skin and smash it
Mix the yogurt with the mashed potato to create a paste
After mixing add 1 teaspoon of honey and several drops of lemon juice
Use this skin remedy twice a week, see results after one application.
How To Get Beautiful, Glowing and Whiten Skin In Just 15 Minutes Using Boiled Potato How To Get Beautiful, Glowing and Whiten Skin In Just 15 Minutes Using Boiled Potato Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on November 16, 2019 Rating: 5
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