Amazing Inventions From Filipino Inventor: Plastic Waste Can Turn Into Fuel

Who would have thought that a plastic which can consider as a waste or to be disposed after use can turn into useful thing as fuel?

Filipino inventor named Jaime Navarro from Bacolod has discovered a way to convert plastic trash into fuel, namely gasoline, diesel, and kerosene. (Year 2012)

To convert non-biodegradable and non-recyclable plastics into usable fuel his invention has been proven.

From through a simple process called “Pyrolysis”, the main step is drying plastics to be processed.

Once the plastics dried, and then need to be shredded into smaller pieces and heated in a thermal chamber.

With this process, the melted plastic goes to a specially designed pyrolysis chamber that uses low oxygen to dissolve the plastics.

Then the dissolved plastics will release steam to the cooling pipes, then passes through distillation and filtration to become distilled liquid.

This distilled liquid is similar to regular fuel, but less sulfur content. But aside from the cheaper production costs, it is also proven to be environment-friendly as the process is done entirely in a vacuum; hence no resultant chemicals are released into the environment.

At Poly-green Technology and Resources, Inc., located in Payatas, Quezon City a company where Navarro is working. Also in here, where most of the plastic waste comes from produces 1,600 liters of fuel from 2 metric tons of plastic every day. The fuel they produced is frequently being tested in vehicles, and so far they are receiving good results.

So the Filipino inventor created his own unique system and has an approved patent with the Philippine Intellectual Property Office, while the process of Pyrolysis has been around for quite some time now.

Surprisingly, Navarro’s research was awarded as the winner of the “Outstanding Creative Research” category by the “Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in 2008.

With the help of the local government units, his company, Poly-Green Technology and Resources Inc., plans to build additional facilities in Rizal Province and other provinces surrounding Metro Manila.

Hoping that this kind of inventions (Navarro’s invention) our government will supports. This will give a greatly affect to the environment today because aside from help the country’s economy as this can provide an alternative source of fuel. Also if widely used, it would decrease pollution from vehicle emissions and can also help to reduce and resolve the increasing waste issues.

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Amazing Inventions From Filipino Inventor: Plastic Waste Can Turn Into Fuel Amazing Inventions From Filipino Inventor: Plastic Waste Can Turn Into Fuel Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 04, 2019 Rating: 5
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