7 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar Is SUPER HIGH Can Lead to Serious Health Conditions

To be more exact, your blood has sugar, which can be found in the form of glucose that provides you the amount of energy that your body requires in order to move all over and do something. Remaining your blood sugar level within a well range is extremely important. In fact, your body has the ability to do that.

A lot of people neglect to read these warning signs that the body usually offers, particularly when the blood sugar levels are extremely high.

On the other hand, insulin has been known as the hormone that supports the body in taking glucose from the blood to the cells of the body.

Here are the signs and symptoms that your levels of sugar are high:

1. Fatigue

- The constant feeling of being tired, weakness and exhausted without any reason is already an indication for you to get your blood sugar be tested.

2. Increased Thirst

- Being very thirsty more often than the normal, where in you’ll be tempted to reach out for a glass of water persistently is definitely bothering. If you feel extremely thirsty, then it should be considered as a red flag already. Having a dry mouth is another signs that your levels of blood sugar are means very high than they should be.

3. Frequent Peeing

- Often urinating, particularly during the night is also not a very good sign. If you have the routine and desire to urinate a lot and if you get up most of the time at night just to urinate, then it’s already the right time to visit your doctor.

4. Blurry Vision

- As a matter of fact, you may actually experience from blurry vision when there’s a sudden increase in your blood sugar level. You’ll also find it really hard to focus on things.

5. Weight Gain

- Without even doing any kind of attempt, if you gained some weight, then there may be something wrong with you and your body. In fact, your body has the susceptibility to burn a lot of fat when it runs short of glucose, which in return, outcomes in reducing weight.

6. Slow Healing of Wounds

- There are times where high blood sugar levels may have the ability to slow down the healing of both cuts and wounds, if this kind of situation happens to you’ it’s best plan to see your doctor.

7. Elevated Appetite

- Too much hunger will actually come after you when you’re suffering from high blood sugar levels. The constant craving for food comes from the desires of your body for an alternative source of energy because there’s no fuel for cellular procedures.
7 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar Is SUPER HIGH Can Lead to Serious Health Conditions 7 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Sugar Is SUPER HIGH Can Lead to Serious Health Conditions Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on November 17, 2019 Rating: 5
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