Harmful Effects of Taking Birth Control Pills Every Girls Should Know About

There are two types of birth control pills: combined pills which has 2 hormones, estrogen and progestin. These pills are taken daily and impede pregnancy through keeping the ovaries from releasing eggs.

The birth control pill, also called as “the pill”, is an oral medication taken every day to impede pregnancy.

Nevertheless, using those contraceptive pills are not guaranteed unharmed and may provide an endanger to the well-being.

Many medicines have its own side effect and can be dangerous to our body. In order to find out, here are the different disadvantage of taking pills:

1. Bleeding or Spotting

- This is specifically normal during the first 3 months of taking pills, during which your body regulate to the hormones. A lot of girls find that taking pills makes their period lighter and lessens period discomfort. Nevertheless, the pill can trigger sometimes bleeding and spotting in between.

2. Mood Changes

- Remember that all birth control pills have progestin, and several have estrogen as well. Both of those hormones impact the mood. You might feel annoyed or much more worst to the point you are crying without any reason.

3. Nausea

- It’s troublesome, diffuse feeling of unease and pain, frequently perceived as a desire to vomit. While not painful, it can be a weakening symptom if prolonged, and has been described as placing pain on the chest, upper stomach, or back of the throat.

4. Breast Pain

- The increase quantity of hormones can trigger fluid retention, which turn into breast pain. This usually resolves a several weeks after taking the pill.

5. Increasing Weight

- It is infrequent, but several women do increase weight when they begin to take pills because of high doses estrogen that may trigger elevated appetite and fluid retention. Doing regular workout is a must.

6. Reduced Libido

- Reaction to the hormones in pills incline on the chemistry in your body and the blend of the hormones in the pills. Reducing libido is due to the blend of pills that stopping the ovulation.

7. Changes of Eyesight

- Mostly to those constantly wearing contact lenses who always suffering from dried eyes. Changes in hormones may impact your eyesight. While the endanger is little, taking pill may also be connected with an elevated risk of glaucoma.

8. Vaginal Discharged

- Taking pills may lead to an increase in white vaginal discharge that can trigger bad smell and irritation. A change in the color or quantity of discharge, linked by other signs, may signify that you have infections.

9. Headache

- Fluctuations in levels of hormone triggered by taking pill can cause headache for several women. It will reduce the ache after your body adjust while taking the pill.

10. Missed Periods

- The term for the miss of an anticipated period is amenorrhea, commonly who suffered this are those taking a pills. If you miss your periods during first and second month and have not missed any doses, pregnancy still improbable.
Harmful Effects of Taking Birth Control Pills Every Girls Should Know About Harmful Effects of Taking Birth Control Pills Every Girls Should Know About Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on November 17, 2019 Rating: 5
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