DO NOT Apply These Things On Your Face to Avoid Pimples, Eczema, Dry, Itchy And Other Skin Problems

Many women wish to have smooth, soft skin that feels good to touch. However, not all of them manage to achieve their aims. Your skin is a very delicate part of your body and it requires extensive care if you wish to make it glow and look beautiful.

Nowadays, DIY’s are everywhere from head to foot and just one click you can automatically search online. But keep in mind, in every condition or problem there are different solutions. Or better yet consult to your doctor when it comes to our body and health.

Your skin is the most important part of your body as it is the largest part of your body. Hence, it is imperative that you pay sufficient attention to your skin and provide ample nourishment to it especially your face.

In order to avoid unwanted breakouts, irritation, or allergic reactions on your lovely face, you have to reassure that you certainly not apply any of the products below:

1. Hot Water

Many people believed that using hot water on their faces will help to destroy the bacteria. Shrill hot water can cause a heightened level of skin sensitivity after cleansing. What's worse, extra hot water can also dry out your skin, stripping it of necessary natural oils.

2. Toothpaste

Never put on toothpaste to your pimples and dark marks. It will not help instead it will infuriate your skin because it has irritating ingredients, such as peppermint, peroxide, fragrances, and alcohol, making it the ideal blend of things that will tear up your skin and possibly may cause to chemical burns.

3. Hairspray

Hairspray is only for hair and not for your face. It has ingredients such as alcohol, which can vibrant the skin of moisture in result it will block your pores and may lead to irritation and pimple flare-ups.

4. Vaseline (petrolatum jelly)

It has been used to protect the lips and cheeks from windburn in seriously cold weather or on the slopes, some feel it’s not a wise idea to use it as a moisturizer on the entire face. According to some skin care professionals, petrolatum and mineral oil (the clear, odorless oil derived from petroleum) can sometimes induce acne.

5. Rubbing Alcohol

Though rubbing alcohol is a good way to remove all traces of dirt but in fact it is one of the most drying, destructing ingredients you can apply on your face. It clears your skin barrier of important lipids and proteins, leading to a reduce moisture and in an increase of bacteria and irritants getting in.

6. Sugar

Most of the DIY facial scrub using sugar, but using sugar as an exfoliant on the face can actually scratch and abrade the skin. Avoid using products with hard shaped particles as they can cause microscopic tears in the skin and lead to breakouts.

7. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can irritate and damage skin if used for a long time. There's no evidence that hydrogen peroxide can safely and effectively cure acne. In fact, hydrogen peroxide may actually increase scarring on the skin by interfering with the wound-healing process. It can also cause skin irritation and burns if used at too high of a concentration.

8. Body Lotion

It would be pleasant to just slather on one lotion and be done with it, but body lotions should never be applied to your face because they're usually a lot thicker and typically contain fragrances that might irritate your facial skin. On your face, you should always use something more gentle and delicate.
DO NOT Apply These Things On Your Face to Avoid Pimples, Eczema, Dry, Itchy And Other Skin Problems DO NOT Apply These Things On Your Face to Avoid Pimples, Eczema, Dry, Itchy And Other Skin Problems   Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on December 04, 2019 Rating: 5
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