Here’s What Will Happen To Your Body If You Consume Peanut Butter Everyday

Probably, one of the most favorite spread-filling in bread is peanut butter. Because of its goodies taste and finger licking soft texture.

Peanuts and peanut butter can punch up the flavor and texture of a variety of dishes.

You can chop and sprinkle them into salads, stir-fries, sandwiches, and grain bowls; or whisk peanut butter into a sauce, smoothie, soup, or dip.

You’ll be surprise, more than that peanut butter is not just for spread-filling to your bread. Consuming peanut butter everyday makes actually filling the overall health benefits! Keep reading for more exciting and nutritious facts of peanut butter.

According to a 2015 Vanderbilt University study, eating nuts every day is linked to a lower total death risk. What gives nuts the ability to deter the reaper?

Their density of health-promoting and protective nutrients.

“Nuts have a healthy fat profile—including mono- and polyunsaturated fats—are rich in antioxidants, contain nutrients like potassium that help maintain a healthy blood pressure, are rich in fiber, and contain heart-healthy plant phytosterols,” says Jennifer McDaniel, MS, RDN, CSSD, LD. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids have been shown to decrease LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lowering the risk of metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Basic Nutritional Information

A 2-tablespoon serving of peanut butter contains 188 calories, or 9 percent of the daily intake in a standard 2,000-calorie diet. These calories come from a mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Each serving of peanut butter provides you with 7.7 grams of protein, which helps keep your tissues strong and promotes immune function, as well as 16 grams of fat, a concentrated source of energy.

Peanut butter also offers 6.9 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Some of these carbs break down into sugar and fuel your brain, liver and muscle tissue, while 2.6 grams comes from heart-healthy dietary fiber. A serving of peanut butter contributes 10 percent toward the recommended daily fiber intake for women and 7 percent for men.

Vitamin Content

Peanut butter serves as a rich source of vitamin E and niacin, or vitamin B-3. Vitamin E controls inflammation in your body, aids in healthy cell-to-cell communication and helps prevent tissue damage through its role as an antioxidant. Consuming 2 tablespoons of peanut butter boosts your vitamin E intake by 2 milligrams, or 13 percent of the recommended daily intake. The niacin in peanut butter helps your cells perform chemical reactions, including those needed for energy production, and plays a role in cell development. A serving of peanut butter offers 4.4 milligrams of niacin -- 28 and 31 percent of the recommended daily niacin intakes for men and women, respectively.

Beneficial Minerals

Reach for peanut butter as a source of beneficial minerals, especially magnesium and copper. Your body relies on both minerals to help activate enzymes, the family of proteins that help drive chemical reactions in your cells. Magnesium- and copper-dependent proteins support energy production. Magnesium also contributes to healthy cell membranes, while copper controls gene activity. A 2-tablespoon portion of peanut butter contains 51 milligrams of magnesium -- 12 and 16 percent of the recommended daily intakes for men and women, respectively -- as well as 185 micrograms of copper, or 21 percent of the recommended daily intake.

After knowing the nutritional (vitamins and minerals) facts of peanut butter, surely you’d always love to eat every time peanut butter once you find out the health benefits to your body. So, here are the positive effects when you start consuming peanut butter everyday:

Reduce Diabetes Risk

Get an Energy Boost

Shed Weight

Have Healthier Muscles and Nerves

Relieve Inflammation

Get Smarter and Improve Brain Function

Keep Calm and Reduces Stress Levels

Combat Toxins

Aid Bone Health

Important Note

Read nutrition labels to avoid the varieties with lots of added sugars, preservatives, and salt, and compare brands and flavors. Avoid peanut butter with hydrogenated oils, which can raise the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke by elevating “bad” LDL cholesterol levels, increasing inflammation, and promoting insulin resistance. Don’t think you’re doing your health a favor by choosing “reduced fat” peanut butters. You don’t get that much of a calorie savings, and you’re cutting out the heart-healthy fats.
Here’s What Will Happen To Your Body If You Consume Peanut Butter Everyday Here’s What Will Happen To Your Body If You Consume Peanut Butter Everyday Reviewed by Health Blogger on November 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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