EGG DIET PLAN: This Two Weeks Menu Of Boiled Egg Can Help You Lose 11 Kg Of Your Weight Quickly

If you like a fast result in reducing some weight, boiled eggs are the best food for you. Just some amounts of eggs, several amount of vegetables, and some citric fruits are the secret of making this diet accomplished.

This diet has an easy rules. Do not eat junk foods such as sweet and burgers. Control your salt and sugar consumption, and also sodas and alcohol. You can even decrease 11 kg. In just 14 days.

This is the two weeks menu:

1st Week

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: 2 slices of full meal bread and some quantity of fruit

Dinner: a big serving of salad and chicken

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: green veggies and a chicken

Dinner: vegetable salad with 1 piece of orange and 2 simmered eggs

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: low fat cheese, 1 tomato and 1 slice of full meal bread kind

Dinner: 1 serving of salad and chicken

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: fruits

Dinner: salad and steamed chicken

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: steamed veggie and 2 pcs. of eggs

Dinner: salad and barbeque or fish

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: fruit

Dinner: steamed chicken and veggies

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: tomato salad, steamed veggies and chicken

Dinner: Steamed Veggie

2nd Week

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: 1 serving of salad and chicken

Dinner: 1 piece of orange, salad, and 2 pcs. of eggs

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of boiled eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: steamed veggies and 2 pcs. of eggs

Dinner: salad and barbeque or fish

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: chicken and salad

Dinner: an orange, veggie salad and 2 pcs. of eggs

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: steamed veggies, low fat cheese with 2 pcs. of eggs

Dinner: steamed chicken and salad

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: tuna salad

Dinner: salad and 2 pcs. of eggs

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: salad and chicken

Dinner: fruit

Breakfast: 2 pcs. of simmered eggs and 1 citric fruit

Lunch: steamed veggies and chicken

Dinner: steamed veggies and chicken
EGG DIET PLAN: This Two Weeks Menu Of Boiled Egg Can Help You Lose 11 Kg Of Your Weight Quickly EGG DIET PLAN: This Two Weeks Menu Of Boiled Egg Can Help You Lose 11 Kg Of Your Weight Quickly Reviewed by Health Blogger on November 04, 2019 Rating: 5
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