Natural Treatment To Whiten Your Skin and Hair Removal Using Milk Wax

Due to our busy schedule and stress filled lifestyles, we often ignore our skin health which results in dark and dull looking skin.

Apart from that, over exposure to the sun, pollution and some medical conditions also cause skin pigmentation.

To cover up the uneven skin tone, we use cosmetic products which are filled up with various harmful chemicals. Due to those chemicals, our skin gets even worse.

Achieving flawless and radiant skin is a dream of every girl or woman around the world. Instead of depending on harmful chemicals, we can trust simple home remedies to make our dream come true.

A milk wax that will help you to whiten your skin over time.

Ingredients that you will need

* Gelatin powder fruit flavour
* Milk
* Cucumber juice
* Baking soda


* Take 2 tbsp gelatin powder in a bowl

* Add 2 tbsp milk

* Add half tsp baking soda

* Add 1 tbsp cucumber juice

* Mix it well and put it in microwave for 10-12 seconds

* Apply this mask with help of brush let it dry completely, peel it off

* Use it 3 times in 1st moth and then use on reguar intervals

* Slowly your hair growth will reduced 100%

* You can use this wax anywhere on your body

Natural Treatment To Whiten Your Skin and Hair Removal Using Milk Wax Natural Treatment To Whiten Your Skin and Hair Removal Using Milk Wax Reviewed by Health Blogger on October 14, 2019 Rating: 5
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