Essential Oil and Aloe Vera Solution to Remove Varicose Veins Naturally

Varicose veins are totally a usual phenomenon known for its marks of bulging and inflammation of veins that are absolutely noticeable on the surface of the skin.

Even though most persons try to treat this problem as soon as they know it, treating this is not so easy. In the majority of cases, people undergo surgeries or wear compression socks.

However, there’s a natural way that easily resolve this.

Endanger factors for varicose veins

- The most often causes of varicose veins are: bad flow, aging and pregnancy. Walking or standing for a prolonged period of time also raise the pressure of veins, hence making them more noticeable.

Almost, 60% of the U.S population experience form varicose veins. Even though this issue can be medically treat, it is perfect to resolve it with several natural ways.

Cypress Oil

- Cypress oil is a strong essential oil that speeds up the flow and enhance the function of the circulatory system. First exfoliate the part covered with varicose veins. Next, scatter a couple of drops of it all over the veins, two times a day.

The treatment’s absolute duration is 28 days, and according on people’s experience, it is extremely efficient.

In case cypress oil be unsuccessful to do the scheme, turn to do this natural treatment for help:

3 drops of lavender oil
1 tsp. of coconut oil
1 tbsp. of Witch Hazel
1 tbsp. of Aloe Vera Gel
1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar


- Put all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix them and spread the solution on the affected parts, thrice a day for a couple of weeks. Massage cypress oil twice a day also. Gradually but surely those varicose veins will be gone for good.
Essential Oil and Aloe Vera Solution to Remove Varicose Veins Naturally Essential Oil and Aloe Vera Solution to Remove Varicose Veins Naturally Reviewed by Health Blogger on October 14, 2019 Rating: 5
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