Amazing First Ever Water Supplemented Stove Invented By A Filipino!

Sadly, a lot of Filipino have a hard time in surviving because of the increasing demands of our society.

Everyone's struggling in order to survive a week or even a day, while worrying about the electrical and the water bills have been increasing as well, plus add up the sudden prioce hikes of the gasoline and also the food in the market.

Despite all the publicity about labor and jobs and so on, there are some Filipinos who, through their own ingenuity, invented products to fill a need.

The good thing is now is that one inventor from Cotabato has made a great way to cook by inventing the first ever water-supplemented stove.

Based on the news feature, the first ever water-supplemented stove can run a stove with the help of water or ‘any liquid as long as it will not emit CO2’.

This invention helps reduce combustion of fossil fuels an environment concern.

Last October 13, 2016 the viral video of the first-ever water-supplemented stove has already reached 17, 430 views and gained 307 shares.

Not only this invention can be use as a cooking tool, it can also be used as a car engine fuel.

Here's the viral video to help you further understand the invention.
Amazing First Ever Water Supplemented Stove Invented By A Filipino! Amazing First Ever Water Supplemented Stove Invented By A Filipino! Reviewed by Health Blogger on October 14, 2019 Rating: 5
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