How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Your Face Within 15 Minutes

Black spots and patches on the face can be embarrassing and even lead to low self-esteem. These marks and blemishes on the face may be due to excess secretion of melanin on the skin.

Luckily, you do not have to hide dark spots on your face with heavy makeup or subject your delicate skin to harsh chemical peels or laser treatments to remove annoying marks.

Your kitchen holds effective options for removing most dark spots from your face.


Almonds are one of the best ingredients for skin care in general, but they work wonders when it comes to dark spots.

- Soak 8-10 almonds in water overnight, peel the skin and grind them the next morning.

- Mix them with a teaspoon of honey and teaspoon of sandalwood powder to create a paste.

- Apply it onto your face and let it work for about half an hour.


- Combine four teaspoons of buttermilk with two teaspoons of fresh tomato juice and apply the mixture onto the face.

- Let it sit for about fifteen minutes before washing it off with water.


- Make a paste from some lemon juice and half a cup of grinded oats.

- Apply the paste on your face and leave it on for a while. Then, remove it with a cloth soaked in water.


It contains minerals and enzymes which work wonders when it comes to removing dark spots on the face.

- Apply a ripe papaya onto the skin and leave it on for about twenty minutes.

- Wash it off with water afterwards.


Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe Vera is very effective at removing dark spots. Simply brush some peeled off Aloe Vera leaves on your face and see it for yourself.
How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Your Face Within 15 Minutes How To Get Rid Of Black Spots On Your Face Within 15 Minutes Reviewed by Health Blogger on September 30, 2019 Rating: 5
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