Tips and Guide On How to Start a Piggery Business In The Philippines?

In order to expand the facility, some of the families initially raise pigs in their backyard as a source of food. Until then they decided to expand the venture of piggery business.

In the Philippines, it is commonly one of the traditional businesses you can find in agricultural areas is piggery.

As we all know, Filipinos love to eat and meat is one of their comfort food that is why piggery is a highly recommended business.

Did you know that the Philippines is one of the Top 10 Meat Consumers in the world? This information is according to a study of Chatham House in the United Kingdom.

In the United States and the United Kingdom were 115kg and 80kg per person respectively in which the average year of meat consumption.

Apparently, the average Filipino eats 35kgs of meat per year of which 15kg is from pork. The consumption of pork was increased up to 60% while 27% goes to chicken consumption regarding livestock production.

Reasons why do Filipinos prefer pork over other sources of meat:

It’s affordable.
It tastes better as compared to chicken.
Pork can be cooked and prepared in different ways.

Others may treat pork is unhealthy, therefore only a few people know that pork can be served healthier than usual such as roasted pork loin, grilled butterfly pork chops and ground pork as chili con carne. Actually, your pork will be much tastier and delicious with the proper slicing and by following correct cooking procedure. It should be cook the meat without removing the fat to ensure juiciness then slice it off before eating.

It is much better to raise native pigs compared to commercially grown pigs because it has lesser cholesterol.

As a matter of fact, piggery has the highest contribution of 3.76% in the industry. In result, the livestock has success of industry and bloomed over the years with almost 3.25% growth or an estimate of 61 billion pesos.

Know the Risks of a Piggery Business

1. The Vulnerability to Diseases
Years ago, there are a lot of stories circulated about people getting sick after eating pork. Business owners decided to dispose of thousands of pigs to prevent contamination of livestock.
Some of the factors that the pigs are vulnerable in diseases such as:
• Unsanitary farming conditions
• Contaminated feeds
• Direct contact with other pigs during transportation
You may have a contingency fund to be used when there is a contamination of disease.

2. Inclement Weather
In 2015, Ilocos, the Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon and the Cordillera regions their livelihood were affected when typhoon Lando landed and destroyed 517,000 pesos worth of livestock.
The highly recommended to avoid future loss when calamity comes, is a sturdy concrete pig pen with efficient drainage system

3. High Cost of Feeds
It is necessary to give regular feeding and to ensure the quality and size of the pig. However, due to the high price increase of the feeds, the profit margin is also affected. The importation of 62, 000 tons of pork from the US and Canada in 2013 had proved this because commercial pigs raised locally became too expensive. Root crops such as cassava, camote, corn, and corn by-products can be utilized as food alternative. Consider a veterinarian as part of your investment to add value to your piggery. It is costly. However, this plays a vital role to prevent diseases among the pigs.

Determining Your Business Set Up

There are two (2) approaches to start your piggery business:

1. By purchasing starter pigs, it is usually weighs 12kgs – 20kgs that costs 1,600 – 2,000pesos per head. After three months, you can now sell your fully grown well-developed pigs.

2. By breeding, you need to acquire a sow that costs 12,000pesos and will give birth after 114days.

Actually, most people will choose the first approach mainly because the feeding time is shorter and facility expense is reduced. This is advantageous on the part of the owner. Unlike in pig breeding, you can sell your pigs right away.

However, in order to succeed, you have to consider your market demand. Usually, the demand increases during the months of November to February. That’s the perfect time to dispose of your fully grown pigs. Just a tip: You should acquire starter pigs beginning August.

Business Requirements for a Piggery

Here are the legal requirements upon formation of piggery business:

1. Business Name Registration – The name and location of the business should be registered in the Department of Trade and Industry, this is valid for 5 years.

2. Barangay Clearance – Get a clearance from the barangay.

3. Mayor’s Permit and License and Sanitary Permit – Have licensed and permit to legalize your business operations, this is renewable every year.

4. Tax Identification Number (TIN) – Get your TIN in the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) office.

5. Environmental Compliance Certificate – There are possible risks of raising pigs. Hence, compliance with the guidelines is observed. Get your copy in the office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

Location Requirements of a Piggery Business

As an owner you should be responsible of all aspects regarding your business. The location should be considered when venturing into piggery business.

All business carries environmental risks especially in the piggery, that’s why proper waste disposal and sanitation should be observed and practiced. A clean pen will protect the pigs from contamination of various diseases. The location should be considered when venturing into piggery business.

Here are some environmental guidelines to follow:

• Make sure the piggery is outside the proximity of urban areas.
• A 25-meter radius away from sources of ground or surface drinking water
• A distance of 1k m away from residential, industrial, institutional and commercial areas.
• Dry lot area should have the following specifications:
1. 86m – 2.79m per sow
2. 74m – 1.12m per head of pig under 100 pounds
3. 12m – 1.86m per head of fattening pig from 100 to 200 pounds
4. 32m – 3.25m per boar

It is much better to construct your pens in elevated areas to avoid the flood.

Constructing Housing for the Pigs
This stage is very crucial in which to construct of pig pens. If you want to have a concrete pig house, make sure it is stable, sturdy and regularly sanitized. Use concrete flooring for easy cleaning because pigs are highly susceptible to diseases and parasites. It is recommended that you must have two separate pens for isolation of a certain pig which has been infected with a disease. Here’s a tip: buy only pigs that have been immunized for hog cholera and swine plague.

Also, concrete floors should not be too rough and too smooth! It may cause foot injuries that may lead to bacterial contamination. A strong shelter is advised especially when your area is prone to typhoons and well-constructed drainage system. However, pens made of bamboo or nipa should implement a regular cleaning schedule.

Feeding the Pigs
To ensure the health of the piglets and the quality of the meat it is highly recommended to consume a high quality feeds You have 3 to 4 months to raise them and sell it in the market afterward.
The ration changes at different growth stages and should be done gradually to allow a natural transition in the feeding behavior of the pigs.

Here is a typical feeding schedule you should know:
• One week old piglets should be given a high-quality pre-starter ration.
• A starter ration is given when the piglets are at two months old, and the weight comes in between 10 and 25kg.
• The grower ration is for 15 to 20 weeks that weighs 30 to 35kg.
• A finisher ration is given when the pigs reach 60kg or around 20 weeks old.
• A ration is prepared with sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
• Always provide the pigs with clean drinking water.

Environmental Factors and Issues with the Piggery Business

Before entering in piggery business will guarantee you of a profit provided that you are knowledgeable and with good managing skills. However, there are many factors to consider first upon entering the business.

Gas emissions and waste products, for example, could contaminate groundwater safety and quality. It also elicits unpleasant smell that disturbs nearby residents if neglected. Proper waste disposal should be taken on an account. Among the gasses produced by a piggery business include ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gasses except methane were identified as contributors to global warming. With the intervention of new technology, researchers developed ways to convert waste products into usable ones such as biogas fertilizers.

You should have enough time before engaging in piggery business. You need to check ventilation, facilities, food supplies, sanitation and conditions of the pigs. If you cannot be there full-time, hire someone you can trust to inspect and manage your piggery business.

In addition, the main concern for piggery business owners, is to make sure always have an inventory of your pigs, feeds, other supplies and emphasize accountability to everyone who works in the piggery.

It is much better, if you can get the right location to support operations and take all the necessary precautions to ensure the health of the pigs, a piggery business could be a long-term, financially- rewarding enterprise for you.

Tips and Guide On How to Start a Piggery Business In The Philippines? Tips and Guide On How to Start a Piggery Business In The Philippines? Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on July 04, 2019 Rating: 5
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