ICE COATING: Burn Away Stomach Fat Naturally Without Exercise By Simply Using This Ice Method

Simply strapping an ice-pack to a fatty area like the thighs or stomach for just 30 minutes can burn away hard-to-shift calories.

Ice-packs have been known to bring down inflammation and prevent swelling in sports injuries, but now scientists have shown they could also help people lose weight.

The cold compress works by triggering the body into turning flabby white fat into calorie burning ‘beige’ fat.

Did you know that humans have two types of fat tissue?

1. White fat is the type of fat we associate with chubby stomachs and hips and which circulates in the blood to fuel muscle.

2. Brown fat is used by the body to generate heat. The colder you become, the more brown fat disappears.

In this articel we will share you the procedure so that you can try these home remedy on your own.

We listed below the procedure on how to apply ice coatings:
Step 1. Wrap an ice in a thin cloth.
Step 2. Put it as a covering on the influenced area for a time of 30 to an hour.
Note: Repeat once a day for the following 12 days.

Additional Information: 90g of brown fat tissue can burn 400-500 calories for every day, which is comparable to one hour of enthusiastic activity.
Just remember that the main disadvantage of this treatment is the chance of frostbites, so you must be extremely cautious when using this procedure.

Lift the coatings continually and check the skin. Side effects that describe frostbites are:
- Rash
- Redness and pain
- Shivers on the skin
- Solid strain and insensitivity to touch
Note: In case you see any of these indications you should instantly warm the surface and massage the area or put hot pads to ease the skin.
ICE COATING: Burn Away Stomach Fat Naturally Without Exercise By Simply Using This Ice Method ICE COATING: Burn Away Stomach Fat Naturally Without Exercise By Simply Using This Ice Method Reviewed by Health Blogger on July 13, 2019 Rating: 5
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