Sleep Paralysis: How They Affects Our Brains And Health And What Does It Mean?

What is Sleep Paralysis? During awakening, or falling asleep, a person is aware but unable to move or speak which commonly known as sleep paralysis.

Have you ever experienced in the middle of the night you’re in conscious mind but your body cannot move?

It may happens as as single episode or be recurrent. During an episode, one may hallucinate (hear, feel, or see things that are not there), which often result in fear.

Between 8% and 50% of people experience sleep paralysis at some time. About 5% of people have regular episodes.

Males and Females are affected equally. Sleep paralysis has been described throughout history. It is believed to have played a role in the creation of stories about alien abduction and other paranormal events. It may sound creepy and weird but we should be aware what will happen to our body if it may occur.

Is Sleep Paralysis should be worry about?

Providentially, there is nothing to worry about sleep paralysis and our body will be out of danger if it is happen.

Moving on to understand more sleep paralysis, it may occur in two stages: first is hypnagogic sleep paralysis may experience before falling sleep.

The mind will still be in conscious while the body will be in deep relaxation. The second stage is hypnopompic sleep paralysis wherein awakening from REM sleep.

What is REM sleep?

Rapid Eye Movements, during this phase the eyes move rapidly in various directions. People enter REM sleep within the first 90minutes of falling asleep and as the sleep cycle repeats throughout the night, REM sleep occurs several times nightly. It accounts for approximately 20 to 25% of an adult’s sleep cycle and over 50% of infants.

In most people, a state of temporary paralysis is experienced as the brain signals the spinal cord to cease movement of the arms and legs. This lack of muscle activity is known as atonia, and it may prevent the injury that might be caused by acting out our dreams.

In addition, REM sleep is often associated with very vivid dreams due to the increase in the brain activity. Because the muscles are immobilized yet the brain is very active, this stage of sleep is sometimes called as paradoxical sleep.

People who experience Sleep Paralysis

There was a study undertaken at Penn State University revealed that approximately 8 percent of the population has frequent issues with sleep paralysis. Individuals with mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, are more prone to frequent episodes of sleep paralysis.

People affected by sleep apnea; people on specific types of medication, and those with an underlying sleep condition may experience more frequent episodes of sleep paralysis. Lucky are those who experience it once but not for others who experiencing it twice a week.

Also there are risk factor that may link to lack of sleep, frequent changes in sleep schedule, mental conditions, such as stress or bipolar disorder, sleeping on the back, sleep problems such as narcolepsy or nighttime leg cramps, certain types of medication, such as those with ADHD and substance abuse.

Symptoms and Treatments:

As mentioned above, as usual symptom is not able to move after waking up. Regarding this, there is no specific treatment as prescribed by any doctor. Treatment may include such as implementation of a sleeping schedule, prescription for an anti-depressant, referral to a mental health professional, referral to a sleep specialist, treatment of any underlying sleep disorders and prescription for sleeping aids.

However, if sleep paralysis is getting severe which means as often as you experience it, it is worth to consult your doctor for any prevention may apply.

Having adequate sleep a priority while limiting unnecessary stress (especially before bedtime) will serve as an off-putting to sleep paralysis. Because of the enigmatic nature of the condition, the effectiveness of formal and informal treatments to assuage it is vague at unsurpassed. It is also best solution to have a same sleeping habit every time to prevent sleep paralysis even it may occur very rarely.

Tips: If sleeping paralysis occur, keep peaceful, think you will overcome it and most especially pray until it will gone.
Sleep Paralysis: How They Affects Our Brains And Health And What Does It Mean? Sleep Paralysis: How They Affects Our Brains And Health And What Does It Mean? Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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