Here's Why Should Never Post Your Child On Social Media And Never Add Strangers

Brief History of Facebook
Facebook Inc. Facebook Inc. was founded on July 29, 2004 as a social networking company by Mark Zuckerberg. Before Facebook, Zuckerberg attended Harvard University as a psychology major.

Facebook was originally called The Facebook and was created for the purpose of social networking for students that attended Harvard, it didn’t take long for Facebook to gain popularity (Reuters, 2015).

Now, almost 11 years later Facebook is a $234 billion company with 1.19 billion active users. Facebook’s market cap is just under that of Walmart; which is the world’s largest retailer (Lange, 2015).

Facebook incorporated has gained popularity for the ease of use for users to network all over the world.

Facebook allows users to continuously stay in touch with friends, relatives and other acquaintances wherever they are in the world.

You can also update any status, post your pictures and accessible to allow anyone to publish or access information. With that, unknown people can take a look your personal details if an users use “public” option.

Check out the tragic story of this father who uses Facebook to clarify this work:

This father use to take picture of his daughter and he is proud to see his daughter during her first school year. He then posts this photo on Facebook, to share his joy with his family and close friends. He adds a legend saying that he and his wife are really happy to see just how much their daughter grew up, notifying their location and the school where she is.

By the next morning, this father had accepted an invitation as a friend of someone unfamiliar. Suddenly, this new friend uploaded the photo, without being aware of it and sent it to a pedophile with the addition: "Young girl of 5 years. Brown hair and blue eyes. 5.000 € ".

Without any thought, this father then allowed child traffickers to have a picture and a location of his daughter, putting it unconsciously for sale.

The worst thing happened is when he went to get his daughter out of school, when he realized that she had missing. The girl had been kidnapped and sold to a pedophile. Worn disappeared, the girl has never recovered.

This is only proof that it is really happens as often and when publishing content on Facebook, we are not watchful enough to protect our personal data on the Internet.

In order to be alert, take a look with these protections list to take when using a social network or Internet, to safely direct the simulated world.

Protections List for Social network or Internet use:

Certainly not mention your home address, bank details, or phone number because even if you delete messages containing this information, a trace remains on the web and identity theft is possible.

Remember to use always privacy settings to preserve your private data, you are in control of your profile and can activate private mode by managing the people who will see your publications.

Make sure to sort out the list of your friends and share only a few of your photos, preferably those where you do not see your children, and ask your friends to publish content on them. Be aware that some employers look at your Facebook profile before an interview and can be cooled by your evening photos.

If you choose to buy online, check the site if it is reliable this is for the security of the payment. You can check it by the address of the page because at the time of payment, it must start with "https". Pay close attention to the "s" at the end. Also, to avoid scams, do not hesitate to rely on your first impression.

For those who are using dating sites, be careful of perverts wishing only to see you undressed or financially scammed. Extend the virtual meeting beyond several days, as they try to waste as little time as possible. Also think through a meeting in real life and have a friend accompany you, who will be able to leave buoyantly.

Always remember "Prevention is better than cure", which means you should update your anti-virus to protect not only software or any gadgets you use but also your personal details.

Stay alert all the time is always priority in this kind of advance technology world. Spread this AWARENESS!

Source: Cryptosavvy
Here's Why Should Never Post Your Child On Social Media And Never Add Strangers Here's Why Should Never Post Your Child On Social Media And Never Add Strangers Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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