7 Major Signs Of Ova rian Cyst And How To Cure It Naturally That Actually Work

While, most ovarian cysts are harmless and would disappear without treatment within a few months, those that have ruptured can produce serious complications.

Many women have ovarian cysts at some time during their lives. 25% of women use douching to clean their private parts but little did they know that it doubles the risk of developing ovarian cancer.

A recent study discovered that douching is indeed related to vag*nal infections, but the latest research has added ovarian tumors on the list of risks.

The best ways to protect your health are to know theses symptoms that may signal a more significant problem.

- Frequent need to urinate or difficulty urinating
- Abnormal bleeding or painful menstruation
- Pain during intercourse
- Vomiting or nausea
- Weight gain
- Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
- Dull ache in the lower back
- Pain or bloating in the abdomen

Moreover, the following two natural ways provide great effects in the treatment of ovarian cysts:

Chasteberry - this herb controls the menstrual flow, alleviates the pelvic pain and forces the ovarian cysts to shrink.

Licorice - effectively balances the hormonal levels due to its strong healing properties and enhances the adrenal function. Moreover, it is extremely useful and one of the safest natural remedies in the treatment of ovarian cysts.

This is what to do: boil some licorice for 5 minutes in a bowl and leave it to cool for around 5-6 minutes. Then, strain it and consume it two times a day.

It is advisable to wash your private parts with warm water and sometimes soap to avoid complications and any health problems.
7 Major Signs Of Ova rian Cyst And How To Cure It Naturally That Actually Work 7 Major Signs Of Ova rian Cyst And How To Cure It Naturally That Actually Work Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 08, 2019 Rating: 5
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