CHED: List Of Universities And Colleges That Provide Full Scholarship To Medical Students

Those who study to become physicians may presently get full tuition subsidy by the education program implemented through CHED.

Under “Cash Grants to Medical Students Enrolled in State University and Colleges (CGMS-SUCs), eligible scholarships grantees will get 100% tuition subsidy.

It is known to all that studying to be a doctor is one of the expensive degree of all. Hence, pursuing doctors settle for other courses in turn causing a shortage of medical practitioners in our country.

But good news to everybody who aspire to become a doctors; Duterte Administration has instituted a new program to assist them.

It’s not only for fresh students, but even new students who will enroll for Academic Year 2017-2018 under the degree Medicine in appointed state universities and colleges can also relish the CGMS-SUCs program.

Below are the list of universities and colleges that provide the said scholarship program:

University of Northern Philippines
Mariano Marcos State University
Cagayan State University
Bicol University
West Visayas State University
UP – Leyte
Mindanao State University
UP – Manila

Based to CHED Commissioner Spokesperson Prospero De Vera, the said program goals to solve the continuing deficit of doctors in the Philippines because of high cost in medical education, overseas migration, and brain drain.

By this program, the Duterte administration likes to solve this issue through subsidizing the tuition fee of medical students and helping their residency and practice in the various areas of the country.

To be eligible for the CGMS-SUCs, you have to meet the following requirements:

- Pass the admission requirements of SUC
- Enroll in accredited Doctor of Medicine programs of SUCs
- Keep a general weighted average or GWA of at least a passing grade
- Take a regular academic load and finish the degree within the period allowance in the university

After a student victoriously graduated by this scholarship, he/she requires to provide at least 1 year service in the country for each year of cash grant received from the scholarship. This is called the Return Service System.

Below this policy, doctors will be established to stay and serve the country in exchange for the public subsidy stated for their education. They can either present in government or private hospitals, local government health facilities or serve in remote areas.

Source: DepEd Tambayan
CHED: List Of Universities And Colleges That Provide Full Scholarship To Medical Students CHED: List Of Universities And Colleges That Provide Full Scholarship To Medical Students Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 08, 2019 Rating: 5
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