New Member SSS Application: Step by Step On How to Apply for SSS Number Online

Be a member of SSS! You can now easily register and get SSS number via online application. Without any hassle, you will get successfully get your SSS number after this application.

Apparently in applying for an SSS membership and number you should go at any branch of the Social Security System. But now just search for the SSS website and you can also apply for a new SSS number.

The procedure below is ONLY for NEW SSS NUMBER APPLICATION.

Here are the steps on how to get your SSS number thru online application:

1. Go to the website of SSS for new number application, the best browser to use is Internet Explorer. There are some issues with the SSS website Chrome and Firefox encountered.

2. When the page loads, click on the blue button that says Click HERE.

3. The page “Applicant Record Verification” will load. You need to enter the needed details:

Last name
First name
Middle name
Suffix (if you are Junior, I, II, III, etc.)
Date of Birth
On the Security Verification – input the characters you see on the screen
Click the box that says “I certify that the above are true and correct”
Then click on SUBMIT
Apply SSS Number online

4. A new page will load that will advise you to CHECK YOUR EMAIL for the SSS confirmation link.

5. Login to your email, you will read there that in order to proceed with the SSS number registration you must click the link indicated in your email within 5 days. Otherwise, if you fail to follow-through on your online application within 5 days, the link will expire and you need to do the whole registration for new member process all over again.

6. After clicking the email, a new form will load, the Personal Record form. Fill up all the required missing details including:

Mother’s complete maiden name
Mobile number
Telephone number (optional)
Complete address (City/Municipality, Barangay, Building Name, House No, Street, Subdivision)
Purpose of application (For Employment, Self-employed, Overseas Filipino Workers, Non-Working Spouse)
After required fields are filled, click on NEXT.
Click the picture to enlarge it.
SSS Form for new number application

7. The REVIEW Page will then load. Go over all the details to verify that they are accurate. This is important since any mistake therein could lead to issues when you file for loan applications, avail of benefits, etc.

If there is an error, click Previous. If all are correct, click Next.

8. On the next page, click the button that says Generate SSS Number.

9. If your online application is approved, a ‘success page’ will load. You can now see your SSS number, jot it down, or take a screenshot for your file. You will also see the following:

Your SSS membership number
Your full name
Your date of birth

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will also see a PRINT SSS Number slip button on the page, click this to print the form. You need to bring the printed slip when you go to a SSS branch to upgrade your number / membership from temporary to permanent.

If you don’t have a printer at hand, it’s okay, you can still save the slip for printing on other days.

How to ‘save’ the slip instead of printing: Click Print, then when the Print page loads, click on ‘destination’, you can then see an option to save the document as PDF. Choose “save as PDF” option. Next step is to copy the saved slip into a USB and bring this to an internet shop for printing later.


If you have temporary status registration online for SSS number, you can only make it permanent by visiting an SSS branch and submitting the required IDs and documents as well as your printed SSS Number slip.

Bring at least 2 valid IDs when you go to SSS. For a list of acceptable IDs for SSS transactions visit this article.

The SSS personnel will verify your identity through the IDs and documents submitted vis a vis the submitted details on your online registration for an SSS number.

Once your number becomes permanent, it means you have also been accepted as a bonafide member of SSS. You can begin to enjoy the benefits and privileges of being an SSS member provided that you will begin to pay the required members’ monthly contribution or premium payments.

Additional document(s) required:

For married applicants – Marriage Contract copy; if you have an NSO issued Marriage Certificate bring that.
For married applicants with children – Bring a copy of the birth certificates of your children.
For non-working married applicants who applied for voluntary or self-employed SSS membership – Instruct your spouse to sign before his or her name on the Personal Record form. His or her signature is needed to confirm that your spouse agrees to your SSS Membership application.

What is Advantage of online SSS new number application?

Good thing is the online application facility is fast and very convenient. You can already fill up the SSS Personal Record form ahead of time for those who are interested to apply for an SSS number.

What are you waiting for? Appreciate the benefits and become a bonafide member of SSS so apply now and get an SSS number.

Share with your family and friends who don’t have yet SSS number!
New Member SSS Application: Step by Step On How to Apply for SSS Number Online New Member SSS Application: Step by Step On How to Apply for SSS Number Online Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on May 22, 2019 Rating: 5
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