Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach Can Cure These 22 Health Conditions

Water is life, it is the main source of human life and a very essential to human body. The body is composed of at least 55% to 60% water.

Water plays an important role in maintaining the pH balance of the body, as well as the metabolic processes that is why it is good for digestion.

The importance of water is endless to life that is why here are other benefits of water that you should know.

Water Cures: 

Body aches
Heart system
Accelerated heartbeat
Blood fat
Kidney Disease and Urinary Tract Infection
All eye complications and disease
Disease of the uterus
Menstrual disorder
Ear conditions and issues
Nose and throat problems

Method of Treatment:

The moment that you wake up early in the morning, consume at least 4 glasses of water with 160 ml, with a total of 640 ml.

Do not neither drink nor eat in the next 45 minutes

Lunch and dinner, consume at least 4 glasses of water with 160 ml, do not consume anything or drink any liquid for another two hours.

This kind of method is unique but it has the ability to treat different and numerous types of disease. To those people who are already healthy will enjoy the energy that is given to them with this water therapy.

How many days are needed for this treatment?

30 days for high blood pressure

10 days for gastritis

30 days for diabetes

10 days for constipation

90 days for tuberculosis
Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach Can Cure These 22 Health Conditions Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach Can Cure These 22 Health Conditions Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on May 23, 2019 Rating: 5
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