9 Food Combinations That Ruin Your Health Without You Even Knowing

There are many warnings about junk foods and what not to eat. But it is also important to know the food combinations that can cause health problems. 

Here are a few combinations that you should start avoiding now.

1. Animal protein and starch.

According to some study on the effects of food on the body, ingesting animal proteins and carbohydrates at the same time can contradict the effects of each macronutrient.

This means that different digestive enzymes can clash and can cause gas problems, discomfort and flatulence.

2. Fruit with your meal or afterwards.

When fruits are combined with grains, meats or dried products- they can stay in the digestive tract too long and begin to ferment.

This can cause damage to the walls of your intestine amongst other problems.

3. Limes and cough medicine.

According to Men’s Health magazine, limes can inhibit or block enzymes that break down cholesterol lowering statins.

If you combine that effect with cough syrup that is where the trouble begins. One of the cough medication is dextromethorphan, this medicine can build up in your blood stream if you fail to break down statins which will then increase unwanted side effects from the medication.

4. Fruits and yogurt.

Combining fruit and dairy products can lead to a world of suffering. Dairy foods can be congestive, blocking sinuses, encouraging colds and worsening symptoms of allergies.

When combined with fruit these symptoms can become even worse.

5. Cereal and milk.

Cereal and milk is a staple of many of our diets across the world. Equivalent with breakfast in fact, but cereal and milk contain fast digesting carbs that put the body under stress, both can cause blood sugar spikes that will leave you tired when they eventually lower again, making you crave more junk food.

6. Burger and fries. 

Burger and fries is one of the favorite of many people. Most fast foods are rush cooked with high levels of fat, preservatives and other chemicals, which can form a charcoal-type substance on the meat patty.

It may taste pretty delicious going down, but then that charcoal substance combines with the sugar in french fries, creating cytokines.  Cytokines are known for causing widespread inflammation and speeding up the aging process.

7. Muffins and fruit juices.

According to some research, starting your day with this meal can lead to blood sugar levels all over the map which can lead to energy crashes and cravings by mid-afternoon.

The up and down of your blood sugars can make you cranky and irritable. Muffins and juice are also sorely lacking when it comes to protein and fiber.

8. Starchy carbs and tomatoes.

Tomatoes are an acidic fruit and can cause problems when eaten at the same time as starch carbohydrates.

One runs the risk of causing indigestion, GERD and other digestion problems by doing this.

It is also believed that after meal fatigue can be caused by eating tomatoes and starchy carbs at the same time.

9. Wine and pudding.

This enjoyable combo can destroy your insides. Alcohol messes up blood sugar levels and increases insulin production, so then the high amount of sugar in your dessert will be stored as fat and lead to unhealthy weight gain.
9 Food Combinations That Ruin Your Health Without You Even Knowing 9 Food Combinations That Ruin Your Health Without You Even Knowing Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on May 27, 2019 Rating: 5
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