Why You Should Always Sleep On Your Left Side Especially For Pregnant Women and Acidic

Australian researchers wrote in a 2007 study published in the peer-reviewed publication, "The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice” stated that "It is clinically accepted that a change in sleep position may benefit the systematic health of individuals”.

What is the position of your body, when you're asleep during the night? Do you roll over on your back, arms at your side like solider, turn over onto one side, or crunched up in a ball like a fetus in the womb?

You might heard mostly the health analysis regarding to your position of sleeping. Even though, it is hard to monitor all your positions during you are sleeping and certainly there will be a good and bad position. But you should know that sleeping at your left side has much more health benefits to offer.

Why you should sleep at your left side?

The left side of our body is where the lymphatic organs are dominant. When you sleep on your left, your body gets more time to filter the toxins, fluid, and wastes through the lymph nodes and the thoracic duct.

Sleeping on the right side may slow down the functioning of the lymphatic system- according to holistic medicine.

Here are the other benefits that you may not aware on sleeping at your left side:

1. It Can Help In Relieving Back Pain.

It can relieve the pressure on the spine and make you feel at ease. If you are suffering from chronic back pain you may notice an increase of developments by sleeping on their left side.

2. It Is Good For The Heart.

It helps to take off some pressure from the heart and also improves the circulation of blood if you are sleeping on the left side.

3. It Is Great For Pregnant Women.

As always especially for pregnant woman is sleeping on the left side. Because it helps in relieving the pressure from the back, and increasing the blood flow to the uterus, fetus, and kidneys.

4. It May Help In Reducing Heartburn.

It can help in reducing the acid reflux symptoms in which gastroenterology supports sleeping on the left side.

As mentioned above you cannot monitor your position while sleeping and you need to adjust, so here are the tips on how to maintain sleeping position on your left side:

1. Sleep on your left side and keep pillows at your back. If you try changing your position, the pillows will stop you from rolling.
2. Keep a dim lamp on the right side of your bed. This will make you turn your back towards the light.

Get rid of your daily health problems by making a small change in your sleeping habit starting now, not always right side is right beneficially it is in the left side (right way sleeping position).
Why You Should Always Sleep On Your Left Side Especially For Pregnant Women and Acidic Why You Should Always Sleep On Your Left Side Especially For Pregnant Women and Acidic Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on December 08, 2019 Rating: 5
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