8 Early Symptoms and Signs That Your Blood Sugar Levels Is Too High Can Lead To Serious Health Problem

Diabetes is a serious condition that can lead to dangerous complications, that is why it good to treat it as early as possible.

Diabetes is a common modern disease; it has few symptoms which can be easily overlooked. Studies have shown that one out of three people don’t even know about it.

Diabetes dangerous complications:

· Cardiovascular diseases

· Neurological damage

Detecting diabetes in an early stage can be cured and with the right diet and exercise together with proper medication you can keep it under control.

The early signs and symptoms are very important to treat diabetes as it can cause you your whole life.

Signs of High Blood Sugar:

1. Frequent urination – urinating more often during at night or maybe several times can be sign of diabetes.

This is because the kidney is working a lot harder to remove the excess glucose from the blood.

2. Excessive thirst – this is connected to the often urination as you lose more fluids when urinating the body will try to replenish it.

3. Increase hunger – this is because of high and low of blood sugar levels, as the cells don’t get enough glucose the body will crave for eating more.

4. Dry mouth – can become a breeding ground for bacteria and will cause different oral and dental problems and this is one sign of diabetes.

5. Unexplained weight loss or weight gain – rapid weight loss up to 10 to 20 pounds over a couple of months is not healthy in the body that is why it is required to have some test.

And the eating of too much cravings of sugary foods can lead to weight gain.

6. Fatigue – too much tiredness can develop if the body lacks glucose in the cells.

7. Vision problems – high blood sugar can affect the eyes, it changes the shapes and lenses of the eyes which results in a blurry vision.

If the sugar levels stays for a long period of time can do permanent damage and can lead to permanent loss of vision.

8. Cuts and bruises that do not heal - is a serious and clear sign of high sugar levels, excessive amount of sugar can harm the veins and arteries that they become less able to transport blood to where it is needed to be repaired.

Having a healthy lifestyle, healthy food and a good exercise with proper medication is the key to cure diabetes but the early treatment is the most important to continue life.
8 Early Symptoms and Signs That Your Blood Sugar Levels Is Too High Can Lead To Serious Health Problem 8 Early Symptoms and Signs That Your Blood Sugar Levels Is Too High Can Lead To Serious Health Problem Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on December 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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