How To Get Rid Belly Fats Using These DIET PLAN Remedy

Losing extra weight is a burden to many, seeking natural ways to lose weight quickly without sacrificing health condition is at large.

Happy are those who are reading this article, because this is your lucky day as you will be discovering a plan on how to lose 15kg of weight in just 15 days!

This plan includes meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner that you can follow easily to achieve your dream body figure. Because having a healthy body and fit figure indicates a healthy and more active body.

The 15 days diet plan;

1st day

Breakfast: eat one fresh fruit (melon, pear, orange, water melon) not banana or grape.

Lunch: one orange, one boiled egg, one cup yogurt.

Dinner: two boiled eggs, 2 tomatoes, one-piece lettuce, half piece cucumber, two piece of rusk.

2nd day

Breakfast: eat one fresh fruit (melon, pear, orange, water melon) not banana or grape.

Lunch: one orange, one boiled egg, one cup yogurt.

Dinner: 125g of boiled beef, one tomato one orange, one rusk, a cup of coffee or tea.

3rd day

Breakfast: eat one fresh fruit (melon, pear, orange, water melon) not banana or grape.

Lunch: one orange, one boiled egg, one cup yogurt, one piece lettuce, one piece cucumber.

Dinner: 125g of boiled beef, one tomato one orange, one rusk, a cup of coffee or tea.

4th day

Breakfast: eat one fresh fruit (melon, pear, orange, water melon) not banana or grape.

Lunch: 125g of cow milk, one tomato, one rusk.

Dinner: 125g boiled egg, 2 tomatoes, one apple, and one rusk.

5th day

Breakfast: eat one fresh fruit (melon, pear, orange, water melon) not banana or grape.

Lunch: 125g boiled meat o fish, one tomato, and one rusk.

Dinner: 0.05kg boiled vegetables like potato, peas and carrot.

6th day

Continue he diet plan above for 8 days

Avoid alcohol during the diet.

After 5 days you will lose 5-10 pounds

After a two day break for diet, you should do the diet again for 3 times.

If you do this diet regularly except Monday, then you will lose more weight.

On Monday you should consume one cup of lemon juice for breakfast, one piece of apple and one rusk, one boiled egg for lunch, rusk and tomato for dinner.
How To Get Rid Belly Fats Using These DIET PLAN Remedy How To Get Rid Belly Fats Using These DIET PLAN Remedy Reviewed by Health Blogger on November 03, 2019 Rating: 5
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