Body Mole Means: What Does Your Mole On Body Say About Your Personality, Career, Good and Bad Luck

Moles in certain locations are said to signify great things in life, ranging from wealth and prosperity to good health and abundant resources.

Based on your mole's coordinates, you may be in for some very good luck.

Each noticeable mole on our body carries a hidden meaning or depicts some secret obstacle.

The Chinese believe moles can be lucky or unlucky depending on where they are located, what colour they are and how large they appear.

Most people get moles by birth, childhood, puberty, but they can also get mole later in life.

During our teenage years, moles increase in number; in pregnancy, they get darker; and they can disappear from the age of 40.

To help you understand what they can mean for you, here is Simon Wong’s guide to mole reading: (refer to the picture below)

1. You will have life full of challenges.

2. You have weak nerves.

3. You are dedicated. Your life can have array of business challenges.

4. Be aware of colds, especially if the mole on this location is black.

5. You will have careless life. However, take care of your health after the 50 year of your life.

6. You are ambitious.

7. You are generous and when it comes to work you are honest.

8. This is the mole of happiness.

9. You will enjoy happiness and wealth.

10. Males will have lots of children.

11.You are blessed with obedient children who bring you happiness.

12. Wealth will come in your life.

13. You are gifted with indescribable beauty.

14 Happiness.

15. You have to suffer to earn a living..

16. You do not receive recognition for the work you do.

17. Be careful with finances.

18. If it is located on the left hand, you spend your money faster than you earn them.

19. On the right hand it means you are a magnet for money.

20. This mole brings less inheritance to men.

21. You will have tough and painful life.

22. Your life will be filled with travel.

23. Sing of stress and short life.

24. You will do great work and will be praised.

25. You are passionate and have strong libido.

26. If you are woman you will be great mother.

27. You are wild spirit. You cannot connect with just one thing. You will often move in your life.

28. Do not have trust women who have this mole. They are not evil but they talk a lot.

29. Be careful on how much and in which way you spend your money.

30. This mole means wealth and progress.

31. You respect people around you.

32. f you want to succeed you need to work hard.

33. You are not quite ambitious. Maybe it is time to set your goals.

34. You know to be extremely insensitive towards people.

35. Love is not your strongest side.

36. You will get everything you want in life.

37. This mole indicated back pain.

38. You will have life full of responsibilities.

39. Be careful of people and their shenanigans.

40. Life and happiness will not be gentle to you.

41. Same as the previous one.

42. You are not ambitious.

43. Success and wealth are on your side.

44. You are wise and creative.

45. You have strong charisma.

46. You are blessed with intelligence.

47. Your destiny is not quite the best.

48. You are hard working.

49. You have wild spirit.

50. You are not nice person.

51. Your marriage lacks of love.

52. You are slow and untidy.

53. It is very possible to experience going through a divorce.

54. This mole is a magnet for great earnings.

55. Mole on this location indicated marriage problems.

56. You are trustworthy person.

57. You are blessed with lots of happiness.

58. If you have this mole you will most likely experience many injustices from a close friend.

59. You are usually calm person but as soon as someone goes over the line you simply explode.

60 You are born to be banker. You know how to work with numbers as well as with money.

61. You possess great social skills.

62. You have lots of friends.

Wether you are a big believer of such things, it's clearly up to you how will you achieve your goals later in life. Nothing controls your life besides you. You're on you own.
Body Mole Means: What Does Your Mole On Body Say About Your Personality, Career, Good and Bad Luck Body Mole Means: What Does Your Mole On Body Say About Your Personality, Career, Good and Bad Luck Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on November 13, 2019 Rating: 5
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