A 14-year-old Girl Experienced Abdominal Pain Due To Undigested Bubble Tea Pearls

Nowadays, you can see everywhere people are being addicted drinking milk or bubble tea aside from coffee. Are you one of them as well?

If so, we have a report that you should check out concerning what can cause you when you consume too much bubble or milk tea.

According to website Bubbleteasupply.com

“If you visit Taiwan or Hong Kong you can't help but notice the unique bubble teashops on every corner.

Bubble Tea to Taiwan is what coffee or soda is to the U.S. One would think Bubble Tea is the national drink by its popularity.

Just like in Taiwan, Bubble Tea shops are popping up all over the world. One Taiwan based company has over 450 locations while in the Philippines another person owns over 100 within 1.5 years”.

“Bubble tea is also known as boba drink, pearl tea drink, boba ice tea, boba, boba nai cha, zhen zhou nai cha, pearl milk tea, pearl ice tea, black pearl tea, tapioca ball drink, BBT, PT, pearl shake, QQ (which means chewy in Taiwanese) and possibly many others”.

Apparently, in a report from the Chinese news site The Paper there was a young girl who brought to the Zhejiang Zhuji City People’s Hospital after complaining about abdominal pain and experiencing constipation for several days. The 14-year-old girl experienced swelling in her stomach as well.

Also in the said report revealed a scan of the girl’s abdominal area.

It was showing in her scan, there were voluminous small, circular objects can be seen that filled her organs – from her stomach to her colon and her anus.

According to her physician, named Zhang Lou Wei, first he asked her what she consumed; the young girl replied she taken bubble tea five days ago.

With that, her physician suspects that the circular objects from the scan may have been pearls. Though, the doctor rely on the amount seen in the scan, they are pearls that mount up over time due to the regular consumption of the drink. Doctors prescribed Laxative to the patient.

According to the head of the Zhuji City People’s Hospital’s emergency department Yu Ling that tapioca pearls can be hard to digest. Moreover, some manufacturers might put in some additives and thickeners to make the pearls chewier. Still, this can be harmful to a person’s digestive system when consumed in enormous quantities.

Aside from the conclusion about bubble tea peals, another prospect that cause of her gastrointestinal problem is heavy metal poisoning.

In the same report of The Paper which was seen in WeChat screenshot, a user alleged that the scans revealed traces of heavy metal accumulated within the girl’s body.

Yet, it needs more investigation to correct conclude whether this is an incident of having excessively bubble tea pearls or heavy metal poisoning.

Indeed, anything that exceeds beyond limit particularly in foods is not good at all. Be healthy and consume food in proper.

Source: When In Manila
A 14-year-old Girl Experienced Abdominal Pain Due To Undigested Bubble Tea Pearls A 14-year-old Girl Experienced Abdominal Pain Due To Undigested Bubble Tea Pearls Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on November 15, 2019 Rating: 5
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