5 Foreign Language Courses offered by TESDA, No Tuition Fee and No Age Limit

Nowadays, there are a lot of instutions, schools and even our government provide a authority offering free tuition for all aspiring who wants to study.

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) serves as the Philippines’ Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) authority.

As a government agency, TESDA is tasked to both manage and supervise the Philippines’ Technical Education and Skills Development (TESD).

Its goals are to develop the Filipino workforce with “world-class competence and positive work values” and to provide quality technical-educational and skills development through its direction, policies, and programs.

One of their offered courses, is learning different foreign language, such as Nihonggo, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Arabic and English. You may enroll to Language Institution of TESDA.

The enrollment is on first come first serve service, it may be helpful if you will register as early as possible.

For those who wants to study but struggling financially, here is your chance! What are you waiting for? Don’t let financial crisis be a hindrance to your dreams in life. LANGUAGE OFFERINGS


1. English Proficiency for Customer Service Workers 100 hours

2. Basic Japanese Language and Culture 150 hours

3. Basic Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture 100 hours

4. Basic Arabic Language and Saudi/Gulf Culture 100 hours

5. Basic Spanish Language for Different Vocations 100 hours


1. Original and photocopy of ANY of the following:

1. College or High School Diploma

2. Transcript of Records

3. Training Certificate from TESDA registered program

4. National Certificate or Certificate of Competency issued by TESDA

2. Original copy of NSO birth certificate/marriage certificate

3. Three (3) pcs. 1”x1” and (1) pc. 2”x2” ID pictures with white background

4. Career Profiling (to be scheduled during enrolment)


1. Filipino

2. Male or Female

3. Must be at least 18 years old

4. High School Graduate SCHEDULE OF TRAINING

Morning Session 7:30 am – 11:30 am /Monday to Friday

Afternoon Session 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm /Monday to Friday


Note: If you want to study any of the listed foreign language course you can go directly to Tesda Language Skills Institute (LSI) nearest to your location. For your own safety don’t leave on the comments section any of your personal details. We are NOT connected to TESDA (www.tesda.gov.ph) and we are NOT a training school.
5 Foreign Language Courses offered by TESDA, No Tuition Fee and No Age Limit 5 Foreign Language Courses offered by TESDA, No Tuition Fee and No Age Limit Reviewed by Health Blogger on October 26, 2019 Rating: 5
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