Using Birth Control: How It Can Be Harmful To Women's Health

The birth control pill, also known as oral contraceptive or “the pill” is a medication taken daily to prevent pregnancy. Some women take the pill for reasons other than preventing pregnancy.

There are two main kinds of birth control pills: a combined pill which contains two hormones, estrogen and progestin.

These pills are taken every day and prevent pregnancy by keeping the ovaries from releasing eggs.

The pills also cause cervical mucus to thicken and the lining of the uterus to thin, then the sperm will meet the fertilized egg.

Progestin-only pills known as “mini-pills” contain only one hormone, progestin, that causes cervical mucus to thicken and the lining of the uterus to thin.

It will prevent the ovaries from releasing eggs. Out of 100 women use this method each year about 9 women getting pregnant on the combined pills and 5 women become pregnant on the mini pills.

The pill does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STD) also HIV.

However, using those contraceptive pills is not guaranteed safe and may give a risk to the health. Mostly medicine has its own side effect and can be harmful to our body. In order to find out, take a look the disadvantage of taking pills.

1. Spotting or bleeding

This is particularly common during the first three months f taking a contraceptive pill, during which your body adjusts to the hormones. Many women find that taking a birth control pill makes their periods lighter and reduces period pain. However, the pill can cause sometimes cause bleeding and spotting in between.

2. Mood changes

Remember that all birth control pills contain progestin, and some have estrogen too. Both f those hormones affect mood. You might feel irritated or much worst to the point you’re crying without no reason, you feel terrible about yourself and unable to enjoy life.

3. Nausea

It is an unpleasant, diffuse sensation of unease and discomfort, often perceived as an urge to vomit. While not painful, it can be a debilitating symptom if prolonged, and has been described as placing discomfort on the chest, upper abdomen, or back of the throat. This is also one of the most common side effects of taking pill.

4. Breast tenderness

The increase amounts of hormones can cause fluid retention, which turn into breast tenderness or pain. This normally resolves a few weeks after taking the pill.

5. Gaining weight

It’s rare, but some women do gain weight when they start to taking birth control pills due to high doses estrogen that may cause increased appetite and fluid retention. Doing regular exercise and work out it’s a must.

6. Decreased libido

Reaction to the hormones in contraceptive pills depends on the chemistry in your body and the mixture of the hormones in the pills. Decreasing libido is because of the combination of pills that preventing the ovulation.

7. Changes of eyesight

Especially to those always wearing contact lenses who always experiencing dry eyes. Changes in hormones may affect your vision. While the risk is small, taking pill may also be associated with an increased risk of glaucoma.

8. Vaginal discharged

Using birth control pill may lead to an increase in white vaginal discharge that can cause false odor and irritation. A change in the color or amount of discharge, accompanied by other symptoms, may indicate that you have infections.

9. Headache

Fluctuations in hormone levels caused by taking pill can trigger headache for some women. It will lessen the pain after your body adjusts while taking the pill.

10. Missed periods

The term for the absence of an expected period is amenorrhea, usually experienced to those taking a birth control pill. If you miss your period during first and second month and haven’t missed any doses, pregnancy still unlikely.
Using Birth Control: How It Can Be Harmful To Women's Health Using Birth Control: How It Can Be Harmful To Women's Health Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on July 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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