How To Remove Dangerous Uric Acid Crystals From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain

Cucumber juice has the power to decrease body temperature by creating alkaline environment in the body and is able to remove uric acid crystals from joints.

Along with celery it works amazingly in eliminating toxins and relieve inflammations.

If you feel pain in your throat while drinking this juice, it is a sign that it’s working.


-1 lemon slice
- 1 medium-sized cucumber
- Celery
- Ginger

How to Prepare:

1. Clean all the ingredients.
2. Slice the celery and cucumber
3. Slice half of the lemon
4. Keep the rest in the fridge
5. Shared the ginger root
6. Combine all of them into a delicious juice

You should consume this drink1-2 times a day until you feel the improvements.
How To Remove Dangerous Uric Acid Crystals From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain How To Remove Dangerous Uric Acid Crystals From Your Body To Prevent Gout And Joint Pain Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 07, 2019 Rating: 5
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