25% Of Women Are Still Doing This Habit And It Doubles The Chances And Exposed To Ovarian Kanser

Even though it is warned by gynecologists using the irrigator, 25% of women are still doing this habit and it doubles the chances of ovarian cancer.

Though the vag!na sustains natural cleaning procedure by itself,

In order to prevent health problems, you should wash the vag!na only with warm water and soap, and never take gels, perfumes or lotions which can do more injury than better.

Based on the past studies flushing the vag!na using the irrigator is more prone with vag!nal infections. But the latest research from US was added the ovarian tumor on the list of risks.

“And while gynecologists wish into women to not vanish the vag!na with the irrigator, they distinguish in it a health benefit like hygiene,” said Joelle Brown, an Epidemiologist and append that it is essential to stop douching.

Ovarian tumor is a silent butcher which does not see any symptoms until it’s too late.

A newest analysis of a study broadcast in the Epidemiology journal that accompanied more than 41,000 of women in the USA and Puerto Rico since 2013.

The women that aged 35 up to 74, and had a sister that fighting from a breast cancer. At the introduction of the study, either of the concern was undergo from any type of cancer.

By 2014, 154 the subjects were diagnosed with ovarian tumor.

One year before the resume of the study had doubled their risk of ovarian cancer for those women who take douching, and the link was even tough among women who had a history of the disease in their family.

Progression Of Ovarian Cancer

From South Carolina, Clarice Vineberg of the Environmental Health Research Institute said that no existing study had discovered this connection.

She also said that there is no purpose to use douching, and many are disagree with it.

The vag!na cleanses itself clearly and splashes anything inside obstructs the natural balance and produce a bacterial infections that can destroy your reproductive health.

Nevertheless, women aged 15-44 still use the procedure.

Source: Super Tasty Recipes
25% Of Women Are Still Doing This Habit And It Doubles The Chances And Exposed To Ovarian Kanser 25% Of Women Are Still Doing This Habit And It Doubles The Chances And Exposed To Ovarian Kanser Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on June 02, 2019 Rating: 5
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