Cyst and Lipomas: Causes, Symptoms, And Natural Remedy To Remove 100% Using Natural Ingredients

Cyst are usually benign tumors that are fluid filled sac, these are commonly found on women’s breast before reaching their menopausal stage.

You are most likely at risk if you are experiencing vitamin D deficiency and if you are excessively using alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

Breast cyst can be managed easily with some effective home remedies but it is best to check your doctor if you experiencing pain in the area because it can lead to more serious condition.

Natural Remedies for Cyst and Lipomas

1. Wheat Juice - this is effective due to its amino acid content, essential minerals and vitamins. This is also proven effective in removal of ovary cyst and kidney cyst.


Grind the fresh wheat leaves to extract it juice
After extracting, pour the wheat juice on an ice cube container to freeze
Use one cube every morning on 1 glass drinking water, do this for 3 months.

2. Mixed Tea – this will boost your immune system, reduce inflammation and prevent the growth of tumor. This treatment should be accompanied with healthy and balanced diet and strictly away from alcoholic beverages and dairy products.


-In a pot mix all the ingredients then boil, then add few drops of sage, yarrow, mistletoe and lemon balm.
-This remedy should be consumed daily, 1 liter per day in 6 months.

3. Houseleek – can be used in various health condition including breast, kidney and ovary cyst.


-Wash thoroughly then grind, mix it with 300 gram organic honey. Mix it well then store in a well sealed bottle in the fridge.
-After 1 week in the fridge consume it 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Cyst and Lipomas: Causes, Symptoms, And Natural Remedy To Remove 100% Using Natural Ingredients Cyst and Lipomas: Causes, Symptoms, And Natural Remedy To Remove 100% Using Natural Ingredients Reviewed by Admiin Artikulo on May 25, 2019 Rating: 5
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